The Dress Code Dilemma: Navigating to a Solution

clothes_closetControversies related to school dress codes continue to be on the public radar. Educators are being asked to make judgments and enforce rules to which clearly not everyone can agree. What constitutes appropriate dress at school, and why is this issue a regular media focus?

Rules = Values

Rules reflect values. Any time we attempt to formulate a rule, regulation or guideline, the process is going to be flavoured by our own perspective. Variety within the school community tends to result in rules that reflect a wide range of perspectives and an attempt to respect the generally accepted values of the community. Yet at some point, a judgment is made as to what is appropriate. Whoever is ultimately responsible for making that call is susceptible to criticism from those with conflicting views.

Which path to choose?

One approach is to establish a code that clearly articulates what is and is not acceptable. A strict code typically appeals to those who view things in black and white. While this approach may address matters to some degree, it falls short in two areas. First off, things are rarely as black and white as they seem, and matters which land in the inevitable gray area still require someone’s interpretation. Secondly, this approach requires that people buy into a particular set of values which they may or may not share. When conflict arises, who is in the right, and on what basis?

Another approach is to be intentionally vague about what constitutes appropriate dress. This allows one to view matters in context, provides flexibility, and leaves room for negotiation. The potential drawback to this approach is related to consistency. It is imperative that all those charged with monitoring an informal dress code of any sort have a shared understanding of what is permitted and what is not and are prepared to support that standard.

Who owns the “problem”?

students_hallwayRecent incidents related to student dress codes violations have focused on the question of just who is at fault if one student’s clothing causes a distraction for another. On the one hand, there is an argument that students should not be permitted to wear what may be considered by some to be “revealing” clothing at school, while on the other there is the contention that the problem is instead related to the how a person views others who sport such clothing. Is this a dress code issue or is it a societal issue related to a sexualized view of individuals based on their attire? What about other attire that some may consider distracting, such as T-shirts emblazoned with words or images that some view as inappropriate? Those hoping for a clear and simple resolution to this quandry are likely to be disappointed.

The best response

In the face of all this, what is a principal to do? First off, it is important to acknowledge that regardless of one’s position, one is going to be operating from a personal perspective that will not necessarily be shared by all. However, schools are not separate from their communities and as such, the values promoted by the school should be reflective of those generally accepted by the greater community. Anything else would be hypocritical.

It is not unreasonable for schools to articulate that students dress in a fashion  reflective of the typical community workplace standard. That expectation allows for reasonable flexibility and is unlikely to face significant opposition. In fact, that expectation alone should be enough of a “rule” to cover practically any circumstance. Where that is contravened, the wise educator will seize the opportunity to engage the students – and others, as appropriate – in relevant dialogue and seek a resolution that leaves everyone with a greater sense of understanding.

Regardless of whatever decisions are made, one must always expect them to be challenged. Evolving societal standards make that a certainty.

Failing to fail: Why Youth Need to Face Adversity.

CliffFrom time to time, I hear former students share the observation that the post secondary world is nothing like high school. Frequently they will state that the “real world” is much less forgiving. Perhaps that should come as no surprise, as school systems pride themselves on creating positive, nurturing learning environments.

This real-world shock is more profound as we shift to outcome based education and the corresponding decreased reliance on marks and due dates. Schools are more concerned about a student’s ability to demonstrate knowledge and less concerned about that occurring at a particular time in the school year. As a result, there has been a softening of the demands around due dates and deadlines. On the one hand, that would seem to be a reasonable offshoot of a competency based focus. On the other, this is frequently identified as a factor that contributes to the difficulty of adjusting to a deadline oriented post secondary world.

Can we really trace students’ accountability struggles to a decreasing emphasis on high school due dates?  While that may be a contributing element, it is likely only one piece of a much bigger picture.

To what degree do parents bear responsibility in preparing their children for the post secondary world?  Some parents realize that rebounding from failure builds resiliency. Yet others feel compelled to shield their children from failure by playing a more protective role than they probably should. This is the generation that yielded the term “helicopter parent” to describe those parents that, rightly or wrongly, plan and organize their children’s lives and largely navigate the challenges on their behalf.

This well intended but ultimately misguided approach to parenting does little to build the child’s ability to respond to adversity and instead enables dependency on the parent.  When the post secondary world arrives at the doorstep – whether that be college / university study or entrance into the working world – it should come as no surprise that these young people will learn some hard lessons about what it means to be a responsible adult.

We do no favours for our children when we shield them from adversity. Part of our shared school – community responsibility is to help them learn from this experience. Truly, failure is not something from which we need to protect our children.

Life will always present it’s challenges.  It is how we respond to them that builds character.

Professional Libraries: Old Fashioned or Underrated?

Bookshelf1I have very few books in my office. Other than a shelf where I keep three particular books that have guided my career and the one or two professional reading selections I have on the go, my personal workspace is devoid of the rows of books one might expect to see adorning the shelves of the principal’s office.

I do a great deal of professional reading. In fact, that is my preferred way to learn. To me however, a book loses its value after I have read it.  Once consumed, it has little function beyond serving as a decorative accessory.

But for those who have not yet turned those pages, the value remains. For that reason, it is important to make this resource available to others. That is not likely to happen if it occupies a permanent sheltered spot upon a dusty shelf.

Every principal has a responsibility to meet the professional learning needs of staff. With what we know about learning and learning styles, we should know that it is important to establish even a small professional learning library in our schools.

Getting up and running

Where does one start? I feel it is important to have a mix of current titles related to teaching and learning, books on health and wellness, inspirational essays, as well as some standard classics.

You will find your own essential titles but from my perspective, here are some “must have” books:
• Servant Leadership – Robert Greenleaf
• Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
• On Death and Dying – Elizabeth Kubler Ross
• Classroom Instruction that Works – Robert Marzano
• Quiet – Susan Cain
• Multiple Intelligences – Howard Gardner

Whenever I am at an educational conference, I will make a point of stopping by the vendors’ table where one finds books authored by the keynote speaker. When possible, I will get the book signed by the author with a brief message for our school. It is a simple touch but has the potential to create a small connection between the author and professional library borrower.

From time to time, staff members will request certain titles. I try to ensure they find their way into an upcoming book order and a place on our library shelves.

Circulating and (sort of) managing the material

I believe in the honour system to circulate material. I invite not only staff to borrow anything that may appeal to them, but invite visitors to our school (clinicians, consultants, etc.) to treat this resource as their own.

Borrowed material practically always finds its way back to the shelf.  If it doesn’t, it is usually because it had a profound impact on someone that they elected to retain it, or perhaps it found its way further afield. Either way, the resource is in the hands of someone that values it, and a replacement copy is easily acquired.

Location, location, location

reading_chairEndless shelves of professional reading material serve little purpose if housed in a private office. There may be an ongoing invite to others to help themselves, but to make things accessible as possible it is important to create an appropriate location to house the collection.  It might be in the school library, the corner of the staff room, or any other location that staff can peruse the collection on their own time and their own terms. It is important that it is a public area that accessible to all staff. Consider taking a page from libraries and bookstores and install a comfortable reading chair or two.

What example do you set?

I usually have a professional reading selection in my briefcase for those moments when I have the opportunity to get through a few pages and I encourage all staff to do the same. Where appropriate, I will share my thoughts on what I am reading and reference these sources in my discussions with teachers. Just as we encourage teachers to model reading to students, so should principals find ways to model the importance of professional reading to teachers.

Sometimes a book is a pretty good resource!

In our connected world, it is easy to rely on electronic resources to feed our hunger for professional reading material. Blogs (such as this one), web sites and other such resources provide bite sized pieces of information that can whet our appetites for more in depth sources. A balanced approach is most likely to contribute to building sound knowledge base. Without question, a current and well stocked learning library has an important place in the professional growth of staff.

A Career’s Worth of Advice (In 140 Characters)

geese_flying001I recently participated in a twitter chat where participants were asked to respond to the following question:

“As an experienced educator, what advice would you give to those who are new to the profession?”

While this is not an uncommon question, I had never considered how I might respond in the context of 140 characters. I wanted to state something profound in that limited space, and before I knew it – and practically without thinking – I had posted the following:

“Find the joy in teaching. Ignore cynics. Celebrate small victories. If you lose the passion, move on.”

The fact that this was my immediate response tells me it came from the heart. There was no second thought or reflection to muddy the waters.   I am a contemplative person who tends to over think questions and I possess a tendency to formulate my best responses a half hour after they are required. In this case however, I have to admit that given the chance to rework that particular response, I would not change a word.

Find the Joy in Teaching

When I refer to teaching, I am referring to all of those functions related to public education, from teaching to administration to student services. There is something in these fields inherently related to that altruistic desire to make a difference to a person, a group, a community or beyond. The exhilaration can come from many places and may look different to each person, but there is no doubting you will recognize it when you find it.

Ignore Cynics

I am fortunate to be surrounded by an enthusiastic forward thinking team of educators who tend to focus on possibilities, not obstacles. We know that there is an element out there that tends to see things in a negative light or is quick to point out why things will not work. There is little point in allowing such people to consume your time.

I have a theory about cynics:  these are people that are happy being unhappy. If you address their unhappiness, it puts them off balance, and they seek to restore that balance by finding something to be unhappy about.  Perhaps that in itself is a cynical view, but my point is that there is little one can to do satisfy the cynics, so stick to your vision, focus on possibilities, and move on.

Celebrate Small Victories

To be able to celebrate victories, one needs to be able to identify them. This is really a matter of being present and paying attention to the little details that may otherwise go unnoticed. Sometimes, we get caught up on the one little thing that went wrong for us rather than reflecting on all the things that went well. Be deliberate in identifying and savouring your victories.

If You Lose the Passion, Move On

In a perfect world, everyone in education would be pursuing their passion and that would translate into extraordinary learning experiences for all. The reality is that people and passions change. There is nothing wrong with that, and no one is to blame if one loses the passion for teaching or whatever role one happens to fulfill. However if it happens, it is critically important to acknowledge that reality and makes the appropriate life adjustments. Anything less would be unfair to everyone.

I suspect that without realizing it, I articulated the four principles that have guided my career as an educator. For those entering the profession and following in my path, consider it sound advice.

Why Good Ideas Die

Idea_BulbYou have a good idea.  You clearly see what your organization could gain from its implementation.  You feel that the benefits are so obvious that acceptance should be a  simple formality.  Yet when the time comes for you to formally share your idea, you find it is met with resistance, loses momentum, and fails to move forward.

We often encounter initiatives that do not have the legs to move beyond the conceptual stage.  This does not necessarily occur because the initiative did not merit consideration; it may simply be a result of poor promotion and failure to understand how to best navigate the political landscape.

The word politics is derived from the Greek word for citizens, and has to do with matters related to decision making.  Understanding the politics of an organization means understanding just how decisions are made.

We work in complex systems. A degree of political savvy is required in order to successfully navigate the road one must travel in bringing an initiative forward.  Having a keen sense of internal politics and organizational culture enables one’s ability to exercise influence and promote a particular agenda.

On the surface, it may appear that some ideas immediately establish traction and gain support.  A deeper analysis will reveal that it is rarely that simple.   Invariably, steps have been taken to do groundwork resulting in an environment in which the idea can flourish. Establishing support for an initiative typically involves the following:

  • Building Alliances

Organizations are driven by relationships.  How we interact with others sets the tone for when we, in turn, look to others for support.  That reality should come as no surprise, yet it is not uncommon for there to be a disconnect between what is put into a relationship vs what one expects to get out of it.

Building good will, establishing an emotional bank account,  creating connections; these euphemisms all speak to the same thing; maintaining a balance between what we ask of and what we offer to our colleagues.

  • Anticipating Obstacles

The worst thing one can do in bringing a new idea forward is to be blind to the potential obstacles to making it a reality.  Not everyone will share enthusiasm for a new idea.   If it threatens established practice or requires new learning, anticipate encountering an element of resistance.  Do not underestimate the possibility that obstacles may be less related to the idea and more related to the people behind them.  Failure to build alliances will minimize the likelihood of success in bringing an innovation forward.

A good innovator will recognize potential obstacles and plan accordingly.

  • Combating Resistance

Perhaps combat is too strong of a word, but that is the reality that the innovator faces in the absence of thoughtful advance planning.  Consider the source of resistance.  What pre-emptive moves could potentially lessen or eliminate opposition to the new idea?    Often, the road can be paved simply by doing a “soft sell” in advance.  This involves working the grass roots, sharing information and responding to concerns at the individual level.  A benefit of this approach is that one encounters resistance in advance and is provided an opportunity to either modify the proposal or develop sound counter arguments prior to putting the idea forward at a more formal level.

  • Showing Grit

The term “grit” has evolved to include a somewhat nebulous definition that encompasses elements of persistence, resilience, will, and a host of other characteristics that have at their root the notion of seeing something through to completion under even the most difficult of circumstances.  Anticipate the need to rely upon these qualities when bringing forward a new idea.  This is critical to building momentum and gaining acceptance.

Countless “good ideas” have died on the meeting table for lack of preparation.  Just as seeds grow best in fertile ground, so will innovations only take root when preliminary groundwork has been thoughtfully carried out.  Understanding the politics of the organization is key to being able to do this to greatest effect.

Fading Influence: Do Male Role Models Matter?

rolemodelConducting an internet search for “boys” and “role models” yields titles such as:

  • The Importance of Positive Male Role Models
  • Mothers Raising Boys Alone Without Male Role Models
  • The Role Model Crisis
  • How Important are Male Role Models for Troubled Boys?

The range of articles provide insight into some intriguing perspectives.  At first glance, one might conclude that it is simply a matter of hiring more male teachers to model appropriate behaviour to boys.  Yet, findings are mixed with regard to the impact of a gender balanced school staff.  Additionally, it is shortsighted to conclude that it is only boys who are lacking exposure to positive male role models.  One consistency in the literature is the recognition of the societal reality that a significant proportion of our young male population is growing up in homes where there is little or no exposure to a positive male role model.

Nearly 20% of Canadian children live with single parent families – most of those single mothers.  Those students attend schools where, according to the Canadian Teachers Federation, nearly three quarters of teachers are female.  As such, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for youth to encounter potential male role models.  This long developing trend continues to be a societal issue in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere.

Through observation of our environment, we hone our ability to appropriately respond to the stimuli around us.  A significant percentage of male students have, at best, few adult male role models from which to learn such behaviour.  At the worst, they are exposed negative or destructive behaviour that serves as a poor example of the male contribution to society. Opportunities to observe positive adult male role models are limited for a significant number of youth.

It is human nature to look to others for cues on how to act, speak, and conduct oneself.  In the absence of role models, boys may take those cues from anyone ranging from peers to misogynistic sports or entertainment stars.  What is called for is someone close at hand who can demonstrate what it looks like to be a good husband, father, or friend.

It cannot be assumed that a balanced teacher gender ratio would necessarily address the issue, for it is not a matter of having more males in the school; it is a matter of having the right males.  While hiring practices may be part of the solution, other exposure opportunities need to be created as well.  These may occur through mentorships, encouraging male volunteers in the school, and providing support for out of school activities geared toward establishing relationships between youth and positive male role models.

Without examples to guide the way, how can boys expect to learn appropriate behavior and positive, nurturing responses?  The issue is certainly not confined to boys alone.  Just as valid are questions related to girls`persepectives of what appropriate adult male behaviour looks like.  Of course, that in turn leads to a discussion of what constitutes typical male behaviour vs. typical female behaviour, and if there is (or should be) and difference between the two.

There are no easy answers.  This topic seems to generate question after question and is laden with stereotypes, assumptions, and personal values.  As such, it is important to focus on facts, and let our decisions be informed by what we know rather than what we think we know.

A lack of male role models is clearly one element of a much deeper issue.


School Mental Health: Not Just About Students Any More

mental_healthWe appear to be turning the corner in terms of societal perceptions of mental health.  Though it is still not uncommon for those struggling with mental health challenges to be viewed in a significantly different light than those facing physical health challenges,  there is an emerging focus on the importance of mental health, particularly as it relates to one’s ability to be effective in the workplace.

In schools, we tend to chiefly focus on the mental health of students.  Nearly all professional development opportunities for educators tend to primarily concentrate on youth mental health.  Yet adults working in the school system are not immune to the forces at work in the population at large.  Canadian Mental Health Association statistics reveal that 20% of adults will encounter mental health challenges in their lifetime.  That means one of every five staff members in your school will face such a challenge at some point.

Educators stoically forge ahead to ensure the wellness of students, often at the expense of their own well-being.  I maintain however that we cannot hope to foster the positive mental health of students in the absence of mentally healthy adults.

What is the role of the principal in creating a mentally healthy school?  Before even beginning to address issues at the student level, and effective principal will take steps to ensure a healthy workplace.  Here are some key points on which to focus:

Address the Stigma:

Though the tide is turning, there is a persisting stigma attached to seeking adult mental health supports.  A school principal can address this by openly speaking to the matter, highlighting the resources available to staff (such as employee assistance programs), and making conversations about mental health part of the norm.

A particularly powerful approach – one to which I can personally attest – is to share one’s own experiences in seeking mental health care and speaking about it to others in a matter-of-fact fashion.

Promote Balance

Much is expected of principals, and we in turn expect much from the people around us.  However, it is incumbent upon the principal to become keenly aware of the degree to which adults in the school maintain a positive work-life balance.  From time to time there are significant demands that we are expected to meet.  That is part of what we do.  It is when the adults around us are consistently engaged in work related activities that we need to step in and have a conversation about priorities, and how seeking to achieve balance is not only important for us, but also serves as a healthy example to our peers and to the students with whom we work.

Shine the Light

Principals may exercise influence, both within the school and in the context of the larger school system, to bring this topic to the forefront.  Consider strategies to bring awareness activities into the school.  Seek out professional growth activities for school staff.  Embrace opportunities to advance the mental health agenda.

Workplace mental health is an emerging topic in Canada.  Voluntary standards for workplace mental health have now been developed and with the growing awareness of the associated costs  – there is bound to be an increasing emphasis of the importance of mentally healthy workplaces.

Above all…

Principals – indeed all educational leaders –  must not forgo their own wellness in the misguided view that making sacrifices in this regard can possibly result in a healthy workplace or learning environment. At the root of all of this is the notion of self-care.  Action speaks louder than words, and it is though our example that we can truly make a difference.

Remembering Differently: An Alternate Way to Mark Remembrance Day in Schools.

poppyRemembrance Day is fast approaching.  Many schools hold a formal Remembrance Day service, and while this a traditional way to mark the day, there are other ways to achieve this as well.

It is essential that we prepare students for this day by educating them about our history.  Ideally, in the days leading up to November 11, schools engage in activities that help students learn about the sacrifices that people have made for their country.  This often occurs within the context of History and Social Studies, but also presents a meaningful way to engage students in all subject areas, from Language Arts to Math, the Arts, Technology and more.

These lead up activities lend meaning to your Remembrance Day observance.  While they may culminate in a formal and traditional Remembrance Day ceremony, there are alternate ways to respect the spirit of the day.

Here is one idea in which remembrance activities occur over the course of the entire school day.  The following is taken from a script in use at our school.  The content comes from various sources, including the Veterans Affairs Canada website.

9:00      Morning announcement:

“As our way of observing Remembrance Day, we will have a number of daytime reflections that we hope will give staff and students the opportunity to give consideration to just what Remembrance Day is meant to commemorate.

During this week, hundreds of ceremonies and events will take place across the country to recognize the achievements of our Veterans.

There are many ways to show that you remember and honour our Veterans:

  • Pin a poppy above your heart.
  • Talk to a friend or relative who has just returned home from Afghanistan or who served in other areas of conflict.
  • Listen to Veterans talk about their experiences.
  • Visit the Veterans Affairs Canada Facebook fan page, write on the wall and share how you remember. Change your Facebook profile picture to a poppy.

Above all, we must vow never to forget. However you choose to remember, be sure to share with everyone you know. Together, it is our duty to pass on the legacy and keep the memories of our Canadian Veterans alive.  Poppies will be distributed this morning and everyone is invited to wear a poppy as a sign of remembrance” 

Period 1

Poppies are then distributed throughout the school.  Donations are accepted, but not required.  Any student that wants a poppy may have one.

11:00    First Reflection  (In Flander’s Field – 2 students required)

Student 1 reads the following over the PA:

“This is today’s first Remembrance Day reflection

Sergeant-Major Cyril Allinson, the first person to ever read John McCrae’s In Flanders Fields poem remarked, “The poem was an exact description of the scene in front of us both. He used the word blow in that line because the poppies actually were being blown that morning by a gentle east wind.”

When one thinks of Remembrance Day poems and Memorial Day poppy poems it is the words to In Flanders Fields poem by John McCrae that comes to mind.

The In Flanders Fields poem is the world’s most recognized and beloved of all war memorial and Remembrance day poems. It was written on May 3, 1915 by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae during WWI, while still at the battlefront during the Second Battle of Ypres in Belgium.”

Student 2 reads the following over the PA:


By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

12:00    Second Reflection – Video. 

  1. Teachers follow the Veterans Week link at the school website and click the YouTube link at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  1. Select any one video to watch with the class.  Discuss using the provided key questions.

2:00      Third Reflection

Student 3 reads the following:

On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store’s PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Terry was impressed with the store’s leadership role in adopting the Legion’s “two minutes of silence” initiative. He felt that the store’s contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.

When eleven o’clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the “two minutes of silence” to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terry’s anger towards the father for trying to engage the store’s clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, “A Pittance of Time”.

Song is then played over the PA: A Pittance of Time.MP3   (4:35)


Warm Hearted Leadership

warm heartOver the course of a day one deals with so many people and encounters so many stories.  Each one those stories, and the resulting behaviours, elicits in us an internal response. It may provoke anger, compassion, anxiety, sympathy, and  a host of emotions.  What we feel is beyond our control, but it is our ability to look beyond the behaviours and deep into those stories that is the sign of a warm hearted leader.

The term “warm hearted” is associated with qualities such as compassion, caring, understanding and empathy.  We all possess those traits to some extent, though any one of them can be more or less developed in some individuals than in others.  It is the warm hearted person who, equipped with these qualities, has a keen ability to look beneath the surface -beyond a person’s actions and into their underlying intent – and see the world with compassionate eyes.

How often, when we encounter someone who is displaying an inappropriate response, do we  deliberately ask the question: “what is their intent?”.  Is anger more a means of defence than attack?  Is judgement a way to curtail being judged oneself?  It is surprising how focusing on the intent can quickly re-frame the situation and help one to understand another’s actions.

I intentionally referred to understanding a response, not necessarily accepting or tacitly supporting it through silence.  Understanding the rationale for a behavior is the first step in confronting it however.

I believe that warm hearted people are specially equipped to respond to even the most difficult situations – those that provoke anxiety and distress, that negatively impact on interpersonal harmony and that have the potential to harm the mental health and wellness of themselves and others.

Warm hearted leaders have a responsibility to do even more:

  • They are obliged to not only temper their own responses, but empower those around them to do likewise.
  • They have the special ability to look beyond and beneath – beyond the walls that individuals might build or defences they may employ, and beneath the surface behaviors to which we often react.
  • They have the ability to affect climate and foster a culture of compassion.

To do any less is to squander the gifts that have been bestowed upon them.


Is Your School Lockdown Relevant?

lockdown2The signal is given.  Doors lock. Students huddle in the safest possible location.  The building goes quiet.

We live in a world where school  lockdown drills are a fact of life.  A response to violent incidents of which we are well aware, their purpose is to prepare people for an event we all hope never occurs.

Of course, these sort of activities can cause anxiety on their own, but how we conduct these drills is often left to the discretion of the school.  An unannounced drill will most certainly induce some level of panic and urgency, just as in a real emergency situation.  But is that the best way to prepare people for the real thing?  A surprise drill where staff and students are inadequately prepared is a poor way to equip them to respond to a safety threat.

An effective school leader will, at the very least, do the following to make an emergency lockdown drill a relevant learning experience:

Make it meaningful

Give staff and students ample time to prepare in advance of the drill.  At our school, I advise staff a week in advance of the event, specifying the date and time, and encouraging them to review the procedure with the class.  I will usually provide links to relevant articles to serve as a discussion point as to why we have emergency lockdown drills.  This puts the activity in context and demystifies some of the reasons for practicing it.

Teach the response

During the drill, I will inform staff and students over the school’s public address system as to what is occurring at each stage of the drill.  They need to know why it is important for them to sit in silence and to know what is going on in other parts of the building as they participate in the activity.

Transfer the learning

Following the drill, I will typically go to each class for a debriefing.  One of the questions I will pose to the students is “What did you learn from this drill that you can apply to other situations?”  I suggest to students to consider how they would react if they were in a dangerous situation in a shopping mall or movie theatre.  What did they learn in the school drill that would keep them and others safe in those situations?  Students generally provide some insightful answers related to minimizing their exposure to the risk and to helping others to remain safe as well.

Providing staff and students with the opportunity to go through this type of exercise in an open, informed and structured way builds their capacity to respond appropriately in an emergency.   Subsequent drills typically involve a less guided approach requiring a more independent response.

People can learn how to stay safe when confronted with a potentially dangerous situation.  Our role is to educate and these types of drills give us the chance to teach some important lessons.  Schools must seize the opportunity to make them meaningful.